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TECO Organized TOCFL to Promote Worldwide Mandarin Teaching and Learning 駐馬臺北辦事處舉辦華測 推動華語教學國際化與專業化

The 2023 Test of Chinese as Foreign Language (TOCFL) in Teluk Intan, organized by the Education Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Malaysia and co-organized by San Min Independent Secondary School was held on August 10, 2023.

The test in Teluk Intan was the fourth TOCFL in Malaysia this year. In the pre-examination meeting, Ms. Charlin Chang, Director of the Education Division of TECO in Malaysia, expressed her gratitude and appreciation to the co-organizing schools for their efforts and support to organize the test for the second time.

She mentioned that the TOCFL Listening & Reading test was first launched abroad in 2006 to meet the high demand of international Chinese learners. Since then, more than 500,000 people have sat the test in over 40 countries. In Malaysia, Education Division has been working with local educational institutions to conduct the test since 2008, and now thousands of candidates have taken the exam.

The TOCFL corresponds with CEFR and ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines accurately. Information on the correspondence between these levels and those used in TBCL, CEFR and ACTFL scales is also provided in the TOCFL test results.

“We are dedicated to continuing our effort to promote this effective international standardized Chinese assessment system to the people here. We encourage those who are proficient in Chinese as well as the Mandarin learners to obtain a TOCFL certificate to prove or enhance their language proficiency. We very much welcome Malaysian students to study degree programs in teaching Chinese as a second language in Taiwan and join us to promote Mandarin learning and teaching worldwide.” said Ms. Chang.

Mr. Foo Wing Meng, Principal of San Min Independent Secondary School, mentioned that one of the missions of the independent middle school is to promote Chinese education and the Mandarin language. The Chinese language in this multicultural country is inevitably influenced by Malay, Indian as well as other ethnic minority cultures, which forms a unique "Malaysian Chinese language".

"I believe that learning orthodox Mandarin plays an important role in helping us learn more about the wisdom of life that our ancestors have given us through heritage of language. TOCFL is a good assessment tool to evaluate our language proficiency." Said Mr. Foo.

There are 42 candidates registered for the test, including 34 candidates for Band C (advanced level), 5 for Band B (intermediate level), and 3 for Band A (beginner level). Candidates who pass the test will receive a certificate from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan which can be used as a reference document for Chinese Language Proficiency Level for university admission or job hunting.

A growing number of undergraduate and graduate programs in Taiwan’s universities require a TOCFL certificate for admission or evaluation of an applicant’s Chinese proficiency. In addition, the TOCFL certificate is one of the required documents for applying Taiwan Scholarship to study a degree in Taiwan, and is also a supporting document for proof of language proficiency for the grading criteria under the new appraisal system when foreign graduates who would like to apply to remain in Taiwan to work.

For inquiries regarding TOCFL in Malaysia, please kindly visit the website of the Education Division ( or contact us at 03-2162 3228, 03-2161 4439 ext. 185, or email TECO Education Division looks forward to working with more schools in Malaysia to host the TOCFL. For more information about Mandarin learning in Taiwan, please visit the website of the Taiwan Mandarin Educational Resources Center ( ).



張佳琳表示,華測精準對應歐洲共同語文參考架構(CEFR)及美國外語教學協會指標(ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines),考生及格證書會以中英文雙語列出TOCFL對照美國及歐洲語言級數。她說明:「教育組將繼續致力於推廣華測作爲國際標準化華語評估系統,我們期待已擅長華語者取得華測證書為自己加值,也鼓勵學習華語者藉由華測提升成效,更歡迎同學到臺灣修讀華語文教學學位學程,共同投入華語教學國際化與專業化的行列!」


本次華測共有42名考生報考,其中報考流利精通級(Band C)共有34人、報考進階高階級(Band B)者共5人,而報考入門基礎級(Band A)者則有3人,考生以在籍學生居多。華測施測內容為聽力和閱讀二種,以單選題方式進行,考試時間為2小時,考生可選擇正體或簡體兩種版本應考。通過華測者將獲得臺灣教育部頒發之及格證書,是作為臺灣大學院校招收外籍學生之入學或畢業門檻,也是僑外生留臺工作評點積分及外國人赴臺灣求職時所需之華語能力證明。同時,華測也是臺灣獎學金之標準申請文件。

馬來西亞每年皆會舉辦華測,本年度其他場次之華測資訊請參考教育組網站(,有意合作辦理華測之學校也歡迎聯繫駐馬教育組,電郵為,聯絡電話為03-2162-3228 / 03-2161-4439 ext. 185。其他相關各類華語學習資源亦可參考臺灣華語教育資源中心網站(。有意成為國際華語教學工作者也可參考臺灣各大學華語教師學程,目前包括國立臺北大學「創新華語文教學學士學位學程」等也正在受理春季班申請入學,學生也可以報考教育部舉辦的「對外華語教學能力認證考試」,取得華語教學專業認證。

Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia

電話 / Telephone:(6)03-2162-3228

Level 8, Menara Yayasan Tun Razak, 200 Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

©2019 by 駐馬來西亞臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組 Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia. Proudly created with

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