臺灣華語遊學團 Mandarin Study Tour in Taiwan
Mandarin Study Tour in Taiwan Project
1) The Education Division of TECO in Malaysia is promoting the “Mandarin Study Tour in Taiwan Project” to invite Malaysian students of schools/universities to undertake short term Mandarin language courses in the language centers affiliated with Taiwan’s universities.
2) The project is tailored to non-native speaker students that want to come to Taiwan to learn Mandarin and experience Taiwan culture. On top of that, students will learn about the Chinese language as well as art, folk crafts, and popular tourist destinations.
3) Ministry of Education Taiwan will partially subsidize each student. The duration in Taiwan shall be at least 7days onwards and the group shall consist of at least 15 persons including teachers.
4) Details of the tour such as duration, itinerary, and accommodation could be scheduled based on the group’s requirement. The total cost might be adjusted pursuant to the arrangement.
5) The Mandarin course content will be designed according to the student’s language proficiency level and requirement. The group shall undertake at least 15 hours of Mandarin language course in a week.
Groups from universities and international education institutions are welcomed to contact the Education Division of TECO in Malaysia via e-mail (malaysia@mail.moe.gov.tw) or call us at 03-21623228.