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The Ministry of Education (MOE) offers MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program to encourage outstanding international students (with the exception of students from the Mainland Area, Hong Kong, and Macau) to undertake degree studies in Taiwan.







MOE Taiwan Scholarship Online Application :





倘有問題,請電郵至駐馬來西亞教育組(查詢,聯絡電話為03-2162 3228 / 03-2161 4439 ext 185。

Taiwan Scholarship 2024 offered by Ministry of Education, ROC (Taiwan) is open for applications until April 30, 2024!

The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program encourages outstanding Malaysian students undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Taiwan by awarding each recipient tuition and miscellaneous expenses of NTD 40,000 (approximately RM5,800) each semester. Recipients undertaking undergraduate studies will also be granted a monthly stipend of NTD 15,000 (approximately RM2,200) and recipients who undertaking postgraduate studies will get a stipend of NTD 20,000 (approximately RM2,900) per month.


Applicants must submit the online application and send the required documents to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia by April 30, 2024.


MOE Taiwan Scholarship Online Application :


Applicants must print out the application form after completing application online, and send all the required documents via registered mail as stated in the Program Guideline Article V, to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia before April 30, 2024.


For inquiries, please email Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia at or reach us at 03-2162 3228 / 03-2161 4439 ext 185.

2024 年臺灣獎學金馬來西亞地區簡章
2024 MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines
2024 Garis Panduan Program Biasiswa MOE Taiwan
113學年大學校院提供教育部臺灣獎學金受獎生學雜費優惠彙整表 (2024.03.21更新)
Universities Colleges Providing Tuition Miscellaneous Expense Discounts for MOE Taiwan Scholarship Recipients 2024 Academic Year (Updated on 2024.03.21)
附件:國立政治大學 (2024.03.07更新)
Additional: National Chengchi University (Updated on 2024.03.07)
113學年臺灣獎學金全英語學程參考清單 (2024.03.21更新)
List of Universities & Colleges Providing Degree Programs Taught in English (for Taiwan Scholarship Recipients) 2024 Academic Year (Updated on 2024.03.21)
附件:國立政治大學 (2024.03.07更新)
Additional: National Chengchi University (Updated on 2024.03.07)


Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship Application Q&A




Q : What language can be used to fill in the online application?

A : The online application can be filled in Chinese or English.


答:線上申請系統僅能上傳一個大學校院申請入學之證明文件影本的檔案, 如申請多過一所大學學程,申請人須附上所有已申請的大學及學系相關學程之申請證明檔影本。

Q : Can I upload more than one photocopy of documentary evidence that has been applied to a university/college in Taiwan?

A : Applicant can upload only one photocopy of documentary evidence that has been applied to a university/college in the online system. However, if you apply for more than one university program, you shall attach a photocopy of the application proof of all the universities and departments to which you have applied.



Q: Do the academic transcript need to be authenticated?

A: No. The Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship application documents do not need to be authenticated unless required specifically by the scholarship committee.



Q: Can I submit the scholarship application documents through email?

A: According to scholarship program guideline Article V (c), the applicant shall send the application documents by registered mail to the Education Division. 



Q: Regarding the recommendation letter, what is [ personally signed, and placed in sealed envelopes]?

A: The recommendation letter shall come in a sealed envelope with the recommender's signature on the seal.



答:依據教育部臺灣獎學金申請簡章第五條三項(5)辦理,即申請就讀非全英語學程者須提具通過華語文能力測驗進階級(Band B)或以上(即Band C)成績單或證書影本;其他測驗成績或證明文件不予受理

Q: For applicants who graduated from Independent High School, or holding SPM Chinese subject scores, or have other Chinese language proficiency certificates, can these documents be used as a language proficiency certificate instead of the Chinese Language Proficiency Test (TOCFL)?

A: According to scholarship program guideline Article 5, for applications who undertake a program not completely taught in English, a copy of the TOCFL test results or a certificate at Level 3 or above must be submitted. Results or certificates from any other Chinese proficiency test will not be accepted. For the applicant who plans to take the TOCFL examination this year in Malaysia, please submit proof of TOCFL registration.


For the English-taught program, please refer to the attached "List of Universities & Colleges Providing Degree Programs Taught in English (for Taiwan Scholarship Recipients) 2024 Academic Year". If the program you applied to is not on the list, it means the program is not completely taught in English. 






Q: Can I apply to multiple universities/departments at the same time? Can I apply to another university/department if I have already sent the application documents/ the application is closed?

A: Yes, if applying for more than one university program, the applicant shall attach a photocopy of the application proof of all the universities and departments to that have been applied (for example, photocopies of the application fee remittance, the application form, and a notice or email from the university/college acknowledging receipt of the application) to Education Division.


If the applicant applies to other universities/departments after sending out the complete application documents/the application has been closed, the applicant must notify the scholarship committee by email to




Q: What should I do if I am not able to submit certain required documents before the deadline?

A: You may state your particular circumstances and post together with other required documents to our office in order for the Scholarship Committee to further evaluate.



Q: The university and department I want to apply for are not listed in the [Universities Colleges Providing Tuition Miscellaneous Expense Discounts for MOE Taiwan Scholarship Recipients 2024 Academic Year]. Am I eligible to apply for the Taiwan Scholarship of the Ministry of Education?

A: Universities/departments listed above provide additional discounts on miscellaneous expenses for awardees. The MOE Taiwan Scholarship is open to all universities and departments recognized by MOE Taiwan.

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