The English-taught Master's Program In India Studies In Taiwan offered by National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) is now enrolling international students. The core courses of the program include 「Introduction to India Studies」and 「Taiwan and India Workshop」, which mainly provide basic theoretical instruction in this discipline and invite the professionals to conduct workshops and give lectures on important topics of exchanges between Taiwan and India.
👉Registration: Now until Feb 21st 2023
💰5 Exclusive Scholarship for International Intercollegiate MS Program - India Studies (Student’s qualifications will be reviewed every year.)
For more information about the program,
Apply Here: https://nthuoga-admission.vm.nthu.edu.tw/student/index/portal Program
Website: https://indiastudies.site.nthu.edu.tw/index.php?Lang=en
Application Guideline and Requirements: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11yqYm5C5LD5y9B3_J3V7tDbpt5F4FkdN?usp=sharing