華測證書用途十分廣泛,除了是臺灣大專院校招收外籍學生之華語能力參考標準外,部分系所採認華測為畢業門檻,亦為僑外生留臺工作評點加分項目之一,同時,也是學子申請臺灣教育部獎學金之語言證明。有意申請教育部臺灣獎學金的學生,如申請就讀非全英語學程者,須提具華測至少進階級(Band B)的成績證明。申請者可在申請期限内先提交華測報考證明,領取成績後再另行補件。
華測施測內容為聽力和閱讀二種,可選擇正體或簡體版本應考。通過華測者將獲得臺灣教育部頒發之精美證書,歡迎不論是想要瞭解自己華語程度,或是想要在使用華語的國家求學、工作或進行貿易之人士報名參加。本次華測採用線上報名方式,報名網址為 https://tocfl.sc-top.org.tw/zoom/ ,為鼓勵學習華語風氣,10人以上團體報名每人可享9折優惠,擬享此優惠之學校或教育機構單位負責人請洽教育組。
教育組張佳琳組長表示,華測是國際通用的標準化測驗,對應歐洲共同語文參考架構(CEFR)及美國外語教學協會指標(ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines),與國際語言標準接軌。因此,她鼓勵正在研習中文的民衆、在籍學生,或是目前於國際學校、語言中心以及補習中心研習華語的學員踴躍報考,藉以測試自身華語能力水平,並檢核華語學習成果。
有關華測及各項獎學金詳情,請至教育組網頁(https://www.edutwmy.com )瞭解查看。相關問題請逕洽教育組,電郵: teco.education @gmail.com 聯絡電話: 03-2162-3228。
The 2024 Test of Chinese as Foreign Language (TOCFL) was held at Chinese Taipei School KL on May 25, 2024(Saturday) successfully.
The TOCFL certificate can serve as proof of Chinese proficiency for applying for a Taiwan Scholarship and obtaining bonus points under the new appraisal system for Overseas Chinese and international students who want to remain in Taiwan to work.
There are three bands for the TOCFL Listening & Reading test, which are Band A, Band B, and Band C, and both simplified and traditional Mandarin test papers available for each band. Candidates who pass the test will receive a certificate from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan which can be used as a reference document for the Chinese Language Proficiency Level for university applications or job hunting.
The TOCFL acts as a useful and standardized assessment tool for Mandarin proficiency levels which is in corresponds with CEFR (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Proficiency Guidelines.TOCFL is not only a professional language proficiency assessment but also to promote Chinese culture and Mandarin learning.
For further information, kindly visit the website of the Education Division (https://www.edutwmy.com). For inquiries, please contact the Education Division at 03-2162 3228 or email teco.education@gmail.com.