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2021 Online Seminar Series in Malaysia Promotes Taiwan as a Study Destination

FAATUM—the Federation of Alumni Associations of Taiwan Universities, Malaysia—and the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia have collaborated to present a series of online seminars promoting study in Taiwan, and providing the latest information on Taiwan’s higher education system.

The pandemic has continued for more than a year but it hasn’t dampened Malaysian students’ interest in undertaking further study in Taiwan. Since March 2020, FAATUM has been holding online information sessions and live Q&A sessions to assist students who have inquiries while applying to attend a university in Taiwan. These have benefited the students and also helped their parents to better understand the universities in Taiwan and the advantages they offer.

This 2021 series of online information sessions began on May 8 with a seminar introducing some of the unique features of Taiwan that have attracted many people from different countries to study and work there.

In the session on May 13, the Education Division spoke about innovative teaching methods in Taiwan’s universities and some distinctive courses. Mr. Ang Boon Chin, the president of FAATUM pointed out that Taiwan’s high-quality learning environment and multi-cultural society have made Taiwan a popular further study destination among the young people in Malaysia. He added that FAATUM and its state associations are ready to provide any assistance to students before and during their studies in Taiwan, so that they can also enjoy the excellent education environment there.

The next session, on May 15, was an interactive session for students and parents that focused on the higher education system in Taiwan.

The series of online information sessions will continue, with upcoming seminars on topics including career development, application procedures to attend universities in Taiwan, and other related matters. Some of the later sessions will serve as online educational advisory sessions: the organizers will invite schools’ representatives and counselors to take part as active participants.

Further information about them, such as the dates and registration details can be found here:


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