The Bachelor Program in Innovative Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (ITCSL) at National Taipei University (NTPU) is currently accepting applications for the upcoming spring semester, and the application deadline is approaching on October 31, 2023.
The Bachelor Program in ITCSL is Taiwan's first four-year undergraduate degree program tailored specifically for international students in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Students with at least CEFR A2 proficiency in Mandarin and a high school diploma are welcome to apply. The first two years of the curriculum focus on enhancing students' proficiency in the Chinese language, while the latter two years offer opportunities for students to select complementary courses based on their interests and obtain corresponding professional skills.
The program not only cultivates the Chinese language proficiency and teaching abilities of international students but also opens up course resources from various faculties within NTPU. Whether it is Chinese language teaching, business management, tourism, or cultural exchange, abundant learning resources are available for international students aspiring to work and develop careers in Chinese-speaking regions.
國立臺北大學「創新華語文教學學士學位學程」(Bachelor Program in Innovative Teaching Chinese as a Second Language,簡稱ITCSL)目前正在招收春季班入學就讀學生,入學申請於10月31日截止。
創新華語文教學學士學位學程為台灣第一個專為國際學生打造的華語文教學四年制學士學位課程,招收具備華語能力CEFR A2以上之具高中學歷者。一、二年級課程以華語文能力培養為主,三、四年級除了華語文教學能力課程外,學生可依其興趣規劃輔系選課、取得相應之專業能力。
For further course information, please click on the links below 有關課程詳情,請點擊以下鏈接
Website: https://itcsl.ntpu.edu.tw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itcsl.taiwan/
Email: itcsl@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
Contact Person 聯繫人: Evelyn, Peiyu Chen 陳姵宇
Tel: 886-2-8674-1111 ext. 66476
Email: peiyu@gm.ntpu.edu.tw