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ICDF獎學金申請延長至3月19日 TaiwanICDF Scholarship application extended to 19th March






選擇線上申請者須於登入「臺灣獎學金及華語文獎學金線上申請系統」( 依指示填寫各欄位及上傳檔,完成後須列印線上申請表件,併同其他申請文件於截止日前以掛號方式郵寄至本組。本獎學金申請截止日期為本年3月31日。






三項獎學金的申請資格及內容皆有所不同,歡迎有意申請者瀏覽教育組網站(以獲取更多獎學金資訊。如有問題可電郵或致電03-2162 3228 詢問。

Scholarships Offered To Further Study and Learning Mandarin in Taiwan

TaiwanICDF Scholarship application extended to 19th March

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Malaysia offers various scholarship opportunities for Malaysian to further study in Taiwan. The 2023 MOE Taiwan Scholarship and the 2023 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship will be open for applications until 31 March 2023. The online application deadline for the 2023 Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Scholarship Program is extended to 19 March 2023. Ms Charlin Chang, the Education Director of TECO encourages students to grasp the opportunity to apply for the scholarship before the deadline.

Ministry of Education (MOE) Taiwan Scholarship Program offered by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, provides each recipient tuition and miscellaneous expenses of NTD 40,000 (approximately RM5,800) each semester. The recipients who undertake undergraduate studies will be offered a monthly living allowance of NTD 15,000 (approximately RM2,100) and those undertaking postgraduate studies will be offered NTD20,000 per month (approximately RM2,900).

Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship is offered for mandarin learners including beginners to study at any accredited university-affiliated Mandarin Language Center in Taiwan. The recipient will be awarded a monthly stipend of NTD 25,000 (approximately RM3,600). The duration of the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship is either 3 months or 6 months.

The applications for the MOE Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship will be closed on March 31, 2023. Eligible applicants shall apply for admission directly to the university or college, and submit scholarship application documents to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia by end of March.

Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Scholarship Program is offered to Malaysian students who pursue specified Master's or Doctoral Degree programs in 20 partner universities of ICDP. There are a total of 25 study programs available for this scholarship application. The Taiwan ICDF provides each scholarship recipient with a full scholarship, including return airfare, housing, tuition and credit fees, insurance, textbook costs and a monthly allowance. The applicants have to apply via a Taiwan ICDF online application system and submit a signed and printed copy along with all other application documents to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia before 19 March 2023.

For more details of scholarship guidelines and application forms, please visit the website of the Education Division ( For inquiries, please contact Education Division at 03-2162 3228 or email

Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia

電話 / Telephone:(6)03-2162-3228

Level 8, Menara Yayasan Tun Razak, 200 Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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