張佳琳表示,華測係對應歐洲共同語文參考架構(CEFR)及美國外語教學協會指標(ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines)國際通用的標準化測驗,目前臺灣多所大專院校或系所均採用華測作為申請入學條件或鑑定華語能力之標準,部分系所採認華測為畢業門檻,華測也是申請政府獎學金之參考標準、僑外生留臺工作評點加分項目之一。華測考試題目採用多元日常生活情境題材,例如生活對話、廣告、演講、信件、天氣預報等不同領域主題,可準確地對考生的真實語文能力進行評估。因此,她也鼓勵目前於國際學校、語言中心以及補習中心研習華語的學員踴躍報考,藉以測試自身華語能力水平,並檢核華語學習成果。
本次華測採用線上報名方式,報名網址為 https://tocfl.sc-top.org.tw/zoom/,為鼓勵馬來西亞學習華語風氣,10人以上團體報名每人可享9折優惠,擬享此優惠之學校或教育機構單位負責人請洽駐馬來西亞教育組。
有關華測及各項獎學金詳情,請至駐馬教育組網頁(https://www.edutwmy.com)瞭解查看。如有問題,歡迎聯繫駐馬教育組,電郵為 teco.education@gmail.com,聯絡電話為03-2162-3228 / 03-2161-4439 ext. 178。
To encourage the learning of Mandarin (Huayu) in Malaysia, the Education Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia is organizing the 2022 Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) in Malaysia which will be held in Chinese Taipei School (Kuala Lumpur) on 21 May 2022 (Saturday). Online registration for TOCFL will be opened from 1st March till 10th April 2022.
Charlin Chang, the Education Director of TECO mentioned that the TOCFL acts as a useful and standardized assessment tool for Huayu proficiency levels which is in corresponding with CEFR (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Proficiency Guidelines. Many undergraduate and graduate programs offered by universities in Taiwan require a TOCFL certificate for admission or for evaluation of an applicant’s Chinese proficiency. The TOCFL certificate can serve as proof of Chinese proficiency for applying for a Taiwan Scholarship and obtaining bonus points under the new appraisal system for Overseas Chinese and international students who want to remain in Taiwan to work.
“The TOCFL can be used to reflect the candidates’ real-life Mandarin skill as the content of the test includes daily conversations, advertisements, letters, and other everyday life communicative materials.” said Charlin Chang. She also encourages students who are currently learning Mandarin in international schools, language centers, and tuition centers to sit TOCFL in order to assess their Mandarin proficiency level.
Cheng Ya Fen, Principal of the Chinese Taipei School (Kuala Lumpur) added that there are three bands available for 2022 TOCFL in Malaysia, which are Band A, Band B, and Band C, and there are both simplified and traditional Mandarin test papers available for each band. Candidates who pass the test will receive the certificate from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan which can be used as a reference document of Chinese Language Proficiency Level for universities applications or job hunting.
Candidate shall register via the online registration form: https://tocfl.sc-top.org.tw/zoom/. For group registration with 10 individuals and above, each individual will enjoy 10% discount.
Meanwhile, the Education Division encourages Malaysian students to grasp the opportunity to apply for the Taiwan Scholarship to further studies in Taiwan. Three scholarship programs available now are MOE Taiwan Scholarship, MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES), and the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Scholarship Program. Individuals who are interested are welcome to apply and submit their applications before the deadline.
For further information regarding TOCFL and each scholarship program, kindly visit the website of the Education Division (https://www.edutwmy.com). For inquiries, please contact Education Division at 03-2162 3228, 03-2161 4439 ext. 178 or email: teco.education@gmail.com.
Attendees of the meeting included Director Charlin Chang, Alice Chen, and Venice Yap from Education Division, TECO and Principal Cheng Ya Fen, Chui Chao Chen, and Tan Meng Wah from the Chinese Taipei School (Kuala Lumpur).