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2021年度馬來西亞華語文能力測驗 報考事宜



您須於華測馬來西亞場次開放報考後,儘速將華測報考證明(如報名網站截圖或繳費證明等)電郵至 以完成補件作業,請同學務必在電郵中署名並註明為「臺灣獎學金華測補件」。

如有問題或不清楚之處,歡迎您來信( )查詢。 In response to the pandemic and the prevention measures implemented by the Malaysian government, the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) in Malaysia is tentatively scheduled in August this year. The test is expected to open for registration in May 2021. Relevant details shall be announced on this website. For the applicants of MOE Taiwan Scholarship who plan to take the TOCFL this year in Malaysia, please indicate in the remarks column of the Taiwan Scholarship Application Form and submit the rest of the required application documents to our office before March 31st, 2021.You are required to email us the a proof of application (e.g. a screenshot of the TOCFL registration form) as soon as the TOCFL is opened for registration. Please indicate your name in the email. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at


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