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2021全球青年趨勢論壇 Global Youth Trends Forum

2021全球青年趨勢論壇即將於2021年11月13日(星期六),登場 !​




▸行政院 #唐鳳 數位政務委員

▸國立臺灣大學 #葉丙成 教授

▸世界青年聯盟歐洲分部 World Youth Alliance Europe #Magdalena_Basić 區域營運總監

⭓ 論壇主題:全球夥伴關係-疫情下的全球青年

▎直播時間:11/13 (六) 10:10-12:30 (UTC+8)


2021 Global Youth Trends Forum is going to be on air November 13th,2021 this Saturday​!

Do you want to make friends with global youth and talk about the international trends

Do you want to know how the pandemic affected each other?

You can not only listen to the international viewpoints brought by the experts from various fields and the youth from different countries, but also figure out the countermeasures of COVID-19 with them together! Stay tuned to the live stream on YouTube or Facebook . Join the amazing global journey right away !

<The heavyweight panelists >

▸Digital minister of Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan), Audrey Tang

▸Professor of EE Dept. at National Taiwan University, Benson Yeh

▸Regional Director of Operations of World Youth Alliance Europe, Magdalena Basić

Theme: Global Partnership - The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Youth

▎Time: Nov,13th (Sat.), 10:10-12:30 (UTC+8)

▎Platform: YouTube

Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia

電話 / Telephone:(6)03-2162-3228

Level 8, Menara Yayasan Tun Razak, 200 Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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