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全世界「華語熱」你準備好了嗎? 過來人Yujie Lim推薦:一證在手,受用無窮!


説明會特別邀請通過流利級的馬來西亞考生Yujie Lim經驗分享。她分享過去準備考試及應考的實用技巧,勉勵打算赴臺升學或工作、以及馬來西亞各級學生踴躍參加華測來測試自身的語言能力水平。


Bagi membantu para calon dan guru di Malaysia mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang TOCFL dan strategi pengambilan ujian, webinar pengenalan TOCFL telah dianjurkan oleh Education Division dan Steering Committee for the Test of Proficiency-Huayu (SC-TOP) pada 7 Ogos 2023, petang Webinar ini dikendalikan oleh Cik Teresa Lin dari Division of Test Extension SC-TOP. Selain memperkenalkan tahap ujian, jenis soalan, dan tujuan sijil TOCFL kepada para peserta, webinar ini juga melibatkan peserta- peserta menjawab soalan mock test setiap tahap bersama-sama.

Cik Yujie Lim, seorang calon Malaysia yang telah lulus tahap 5 dijemput untuk berkongsi pengalamannya. Dia berkongsi beberapa kemahiran praktikal dalam persediaan dan pengambilan ujian, memotivasikan calon- calon yang merancang untuk belajar atau bekerja di Taiwan, serta menggalakkan pelajar Malaysia menduduki TOCFL untuk menguji penguasaan bahasa Mandarin mereka.

Untuk maklumat lanjut berkaitan TOCFL, sila melayari laman web Education Division (

In order to help candidates and teachers in Malaysia know further about the TOCFL and test-taking strategies, an online lecture for the TOCFL introduction was organized by the Education Division and the Steering Committee for the Test of Proficiency-Huayu (SC-TOP) on August 7, 2023. The event was hosted by Ms. Teresa Lin from the Division of Test Extension of SC-TOP. Aside from introducing the test levels, item types, and the purposes of the TOCFL certificate to the participants, the event also involved the participants answering mock test questions of all levels together.

Ms. Yujie Lim, a Malaysian test-taker who has passed level 5, was invited to share her experience. She shared several practical skills in preparing for and taking the exam in the past, motivated the candidates who are planning to study or work in Taiwan, and encouraged Malaysian students to sit TOCFL to access their Mandarin proficiency.

For more information on TOCFL, please visit the Education Division website (

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