為歡慶臺灣國立成功大學90週年校慶,馬來西亞區海外基地(NCKU Overseas Hub in Malaysia)誠意邀請各成大校友及在籍學生們踴躍參與『創意攝影比賽』。豐富的獎金等待您去贏取!提交參賽表格或欲知比賽詳情,請瀏覽https://bit.ly/3kJOlVv 。
如有問題,歡迎您電郵至 malaysiahub@ncku.edu.tw.
With much pleasure, the NCKU Overseas Hub in Malaysia would like to invite all NCKU current students and alumni from all over the world to participate in the CREATIVE MESSAGE CONTEST in conjunction with NCKU 90th ANNIVERSARY. Exciting cash prizes to be won! For submission or to know more on the contest terms and conditions, please go to https://bit.ly/3kJOlVv.
Due date of submission: 31 October 2021
If you have any further inquiries, please email malaysiahub@ncku.edu.tw.
We look forward to your participation. Thank you.