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慈濟大學外國學生2022春季班的招生進行中 Tzu Chi University Spring 2022 Programs


2019年英國泰晤士報高等教育特刊首度發表「世界大學影響力排名」(University Impact Rankings),慈濟大學全球第67名,位居台灣之冠。未來慈濟大學將成為專業的世界志工大學,慈濟大學在國際學院架設了跨領域的專業學程,更與歐美與亞洲名校簽訂了交換學生與雙聯學位等海外交流機會,這些都是慈濟大學國際化的展現,以幫助外籍學生有更寬廣的世界觀。在慈濟大學就讀時學生可以到慈濟的各個志業體(慈濟國小、國中、高中、大愛電視台、電台、醫院、慈善基金會)實習,畢業時更能連結慈濟全球網絡的就業機會。

報名細節可瀏覽 「慈濟大學外國學位生線上入口專區(International Students Admissions)」,『招生簡章公告』(Application Guidelines) 歡迎有意報讀的學生提出申請。

本校提供外國學生就讀之學程包含學士班、碩士班及博士班,開放申請入學之系所涵括四大學院36個學系(醫學院、教育傳播學院、人文社會學院、國際學院)。開放學程的資訊可至該校網站「招生系所資訊(Current Programs)」查閱。

中文還不夠好的學生可以考慮申請慈濟大學的三個全英文教學科系: 英美語學系 (進入網站)、國際服務產業管理學系(進入網站)、國際數位媒體科技學系(進入網站)或至專業華語中心就讀中文課程。想了解更多全英文科系的相關資訊 (請上Google Drive資料夾閱讀更多系所相關詳細介紹)。


Tzu Chi University welcomes you to apply for our Spring 2022 programs, and the application deadline is October 13, 2021. Tzu Chi University was founded in 1994. Currently, we have 284 international students.

Tzu Chi University was 67th in Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2019 and first place in Taiwan. We plan to gradually become a global volunteer university, by starting from providing interdisciplinary programs in the International College, and collaborating with global partners. We have worked with renowned universities in Europe and the United States to offer dual degree programs. These are a few ways that Tzu Chi University internationalize as to help international students to have a better world vision. Students that study in our university will get the chance to intern at different foundations of Tzu Chi (Tzu Chi Primary schools, Tzu Chi Secondary schools, Tzu Chi High school, Da ai Tv Station, Da Ai Radio Station, Tzu Chi Hospital, Tzu Chi Foundation). When you graduate, you can better connect with the job opportunities of Tzu Chi’s global network.

We would like to see American students shining globally, and they may choose to join us first. After completing their studies, they will have many career choices, and no matter what they choose to do, they will exercise their skills, knowledge and humanism to make a continuous contribution to humanity.

For application details, please access "International Students Admissions" and "Application Guidelines". We welcome all students who are interested in enroll to apply.

Tzu Chi University offers a wide range of undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. programs to international students, through four colleges (total of 36 departments), namely the College of Medicine, College of Education and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and International College. You may access Tzu Chi University’s website for available programs.

Students who struggles with Chinese (Mandarin) can consider to apply Tzu Chi University’s three all-English departments which include the Department of English Language and Literature, Bachelor Program in International Service Industry Management and Bachelor Program in Digital Media and Technology. Students may also go to the Professional Chinese Language Center to study Chinese courses. (Please go to Google Drive folder to learn more about all-English departments)

In addition, to encourage outstanding students in our university, Tzu Chi University offers various scholarships for international students (applicable to Bachelor and PhD program students). Students who are interested in studying in Tzu Chi University are welcome to apply for scholarship. We wish our international students can feel at ease to pursue their studies in Tzu Chi University. Please turn to the second page of the poster for more information on how to apply for scholarship. Our scholarships are listed on the second page of the flyer.

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