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因應各界高度詢問 臺灣獎學金申請延長至 6 月 15 日 Taiwan Scholarship Further Extended Till Mid of June

儘管疫情限制了行動,卻阻擋不了上進求學的心志,因應眾多學子的高度詢問,加上配合行動管制 令的延長,臺灣獎學金的申請截止日期將延長至 6 月 15 日,駐馬教育組籲請有意申請的同學無需 擔心,可在行管令結束後再寄送申請表件。

駐馬教育組張佳琳組長表示,隨著全國行動管制令延長至 4 月 28 日,教育組接獲很多來自各界的 詢問,許多有意申請的同學擔心行管令期間或影響郵件寄送,擔心錯過留學臺灣的機會,為配合政 府政策讓民眾安心居家防疫,決定回應各界期待延長臺灣獎學金及華語文獎學金的申請期限。已遞 交申請的同學亦無需擔心延長期限導致審核延遲,受獎名單將和往年一樣,於本年 7 月底前公告於 教育組網站。

臺灣防疫措施嚴謹不僅獲得全球各國讚譽有加,也為留學生打造了安全的學習環境,歡迎同學把握 機會申請獎學金到臺灣留學。 「2020 年臺灣獎學金」受獎生除享有學費及雜費補助每學期新臺幣 4 萬元(折合馬幣約 5,400 令吉)外,同時也將獲得每月新臺幣 1 萬 5 千元至 2 萬元不等(折合馬 幣約 2,000 令吉至 2,700 令吉)之生活補助費,受獎期限分別為學士 4 年、碩士 2 年及博士 4 年。「2020 年教育部華語文獎學金」則提供到臺灣學華語文的機會,受獎期限為 3 個月或 6 個月,受獎生於受 獎期間每月可獲得獎學金新臺幣 2 萬 5 千元(折合馬幣約 3,300 令吉)。

駐馬教育組指出,臺灣高等教育以培養世界人才為目標,向以高品質及辦學優著稱,各大學課程均 對接科硏及產業需求,留學臺灣不僅可為人生加值、並可創造無限可能,除了臺灣奬學金,所有大 學也都提供多元的奬助學金及完善的輔導機制,加上臺灣所具備完善的健康、友善、安全的環境, 絶對是留學海外最佳選擇,歡迎馬來西亞同學赴臺深造,相關訊息可參考海外聯合招生委員會網站、大學校院一覽表,或直接查詢各校網 站。

臺灣獎學金、華語文獎學金以及留學臺灣相關資訊請參閱教育組網址:,有相關 問題,可電郵 或致電 03-2162 3228 查詢。

In response to the further extension of the Movement Control Order (MCO) and the inquiries from the public, the application deadline for the Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) will be further extended till June 15th, 2020. The Education Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia encourages interested individuals to grasp the opportunity to apply for the mentioned scholarship programs. Applicants shall send their application documents to the office after the MCO.

Charlin Chang, the director of the Education Division states that the office received inquiries from the applicants and public regarding the post of application documents as the MCO was announced to be extended to April 28th, 2020. Applicants are worried that they will miss the golden opportunity to further study in Taiwan with the scholarships. In response to the MCO and encourage the public to stay at home, the application deadline for the Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) will be further extended till June 15th, 2020. However, the list of the recipients will be announced at the end of July on the website of the Education Division ( as per usual.

Currently, the prevention and control of the epidemic done by Taiwan’s government to fight the COVID-19 has gained the focus and respect internationally. A healthy and safe learning environment has been created for the international students to further study in Taiwan. Thus, the Education Division encourages interested individuals to study in Taiwan and also apply for the scholarship programs offered. Taiwan Scholarship Program offered by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan) provides each recipient tuition and miscellaneous expenses of NTD 40,000 (approximately RM5,400) each semester. The recipient who undertaking undergraduate studies will also be offered a monthly living allowance of NTD 15,000 ( approximately RM2,000) and for the recipient who undertaking postgraduate studies is NTD20,000 per month (approximately RM2,700). Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship is offered for the mandarin learners including beginners to study at any accredited Mandarin Language Centers in a university or college in Taiwan. The recipient will be awarded a monthly stipend of NTD 25,000 (approximately RM3,300). The duration of the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship is either 3 months or 6 months.

The Education Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia pointed out that the excellent education environment in Taiwan has always been striving to foster talents in various industries. Students are well prepared for their careers as the courses provided by the universities and colleges in Taiwan are in connection with the needs and latest trends of the industry. Further studying in Taiwan will not only add values to one but also discover other possibilities on the learning journey. Apart from high-quality programs, all universities in Taiwan also provide different financial supports to the students. With the great medical system also safe and friendly living environment, Taiwan will definitely be the first choice for the students who wish to study abroad. For further information regarding the unique characteristic of each university and college in Taiwan, kindly visit the website of the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students (, the List of Universities and Colleges in Taiwan ( or the official website of each higher education institution. As for Mandarin learning opportunities, please visit the website of Global Mandarin Education ( for more information.

For more information please refer and download the guideline and related application forms of the scholarships respectively from the website of Education Division ( For inquiries, please contact Education Division at 03-2162 3228 or email:

Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia

電話 / Telephone:(6)03-2162-3228

Level 8, Menara Yayasan Tun Razak, 200 Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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