The TOCFL will be held in Chinese Taipei School Kuala Lumpur on 25 May 2024. Online registration will be closed on 19 April 2024. TOCFL certificate is a required application document for Taiwan Scholarship and can be used as a reference of Chinese Language Proficiency for university admission. For inquiries, please contact Education Division at 03-2162-3228 or email: teco.education@gmail.com. Welcome to follow us at IG @educationdivisionmalaysia for latest information on Study in Taiwan.
報名網址Online Registration : https://tocfl.sc-top.org.tw/zoom/
報考簡章 Registration Guidelines : https://www.edutwmy.com/tocfl
歡迎追蹤教育組IG @educationdivisionmalaysia 獲得最新各校招生資訊。