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📣📣免費兒測講座!歡迎報名!CCCC Preparation Seminar!Sign up now!📣📣


講座內容包括兒童華語文能力測驗(CCCC)介紹、命題設計原則、測驗準備方向。名額有限,歡迎有興趣瞭解兒測的華語教師以及民衆抓緊機會報名!A Children's Chinese Competency Certification(CCCC) Test Preparation Seminar will be held online on April 27, 2024, sign up now! The seminar will shares insights/tips on preparing for the CCCC test, covering topics such as explanations of question types, test-taking techniques, and preparation strategies.

📌報名網址 Registration :

📌報名截止日 Registration Deadline: 2024/04/19

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