l 線上申請期間
l 申請入學網站
l 關於輔仁
輔仁大學為直屬羅馬教廷之天主教綜合大學,1925年於北京建校,1961年在臺復校。創校迄今已95年,現有12個學院、50個學士班、49個碩士班及12個博士班,詳見教學單位一覽表。 本校約有2萬7千名學生、160個學生自治組織與社團、424所姊妹校,積極推動國際交流。附設之華語文中心已創立近56年,提供小班制華語教學與文化體驗活動。
輔仁位於大臺北地區,搭乘校門口之捷運至臺北市區只需20分鐘。 本校為兩學期制,第一學期為9月至1月(秋季班),第二學期為2月至6月(春季班)。
【Fu Jen Catholic University International Student Admission for Fall 2021】
l Online application
January 15 to April 15 (Taiwan time).
l Admissions page
l About Fu Jen
Fu Jen Catholic University is a comprehensive university founded by the Holy See. Originally established in Beijing in 1925, Fu Jen was re-established in Taiwan in 1961. With a history spanning 95 years, the university currently has 12 colleges/schools, 50 undergraduate programs, 49 master’s programs, and 12 PhD programs. Please refer to the Academic Units for more information.
FJCU has a student population of 27,000, hosts 160 student-run organizations/clubs, and, as part of active efforts to promote international exchange, has signed partnership agreements with 424 institutions. Now over half a century old, our Center of Chinese Language and Learning offers students the chance to learn Chinese in small classes as well as many chances to take part in cultural activities. Campus is located in the Greater Taipei area, and the metro right at our doorstep means it takes only 20 minutes to travel right into the heart of Taipei. The academic year of Fu Jen consists of two semesters. The first semester (fall term) begins in September and runs till January; the second semester (spring term) begins in February and ends in June.