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「2022年華語學季班及線上課程」熱情招生中! 「Seasonal Chinese Program & Online Course」is available now!

  • 國立彰化師範大學語文中心「華語學季班及線上課程」現已熱烈招生中。該校語文中心為教育部核准境外招生華語文研習機構,朝著推展臺灣華語文教育及在地文化特色的目標,每年定期開辦學季班、客製班、同步線上華語課程等,歡迎有興趣學華語者報讀!

  • 有關課程特色、期間及收費,詳情至該中心網站(查詢 。

  • The Seasonal Chinese Programs and Online Mandarin Courses offered by the Language Center of National Changhua University of Education are now enrolling foreign students. Toward the goal of promoting Taiwanese Chinese language education and local cultures, the language center of the school acts as a Chinese language study institution approved by the Ministry of Education for overseas enrollment. Therefore, the language center regularly organizes seasonal courses, customized classes, and synchronized online mandarin courses to encourage the enrollment of foreigners.

  • Please visit their website( out more details on courses features, duration, and tuition fee.

Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia

電話 / Telephone:(6)03-2162-3228

Level 8, Menara Yayasan Tun Razak, 200 Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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