倘有疑問,請電郵至駐馬來西亞教育組(malaysia@mail.moe.gov.tw)查詢,聯絡電話為03-2162-3228 / 03-2161-4439 ext 185。
The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program encourages outstanding Malaysian students undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Taiwan by awarding each recipient tuition and miscellaneous expenses of NTD 40,000 each semester. Recipients undertaking undergraduate studies will also be granted a monthly stipend of NTD 15,000 and recipients who undertaking postgraduate studies will get a stipend of NTD 20,000 per month.
Applicants must send the scholarship application form and required documents to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia by March 31, 2020.
For inquiries, please contact Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia at 03-2161- 4439 ext 185, 03-2162 -3228 or email to malaysia@mail.moe.gov.tw
For more information or to download application form, kindly visit the Scholarship Information in our website.