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「2020全球青年趨勢線上研討會」歡迎踴躍報名參加! 2020 Global Youth Trends Webinar is open for register!




第二場(11月27日)研討會,將邀請國際大型青年組織的代表參與討論,包含歐洲青年論壇(European Youth Forum)、世界青年聯盟(World Youth Alliance)、世界青年領袖峰會(One Young World),都將共襄盛舉。青年署也將在線上針對明(2021)年全球青年趨勢論壇子議題進行意見蒐集,由與會青年共同投票選出具體的關注議題。

Youth Ideal, Your Idea!

Now is the time to register for the

2020 Global Youth Trends Webinar

The 2020 Global Youth Trends Webinar held by the Youth Development Administration (YDA), Minister of Education, is now open for registration!

The YDA organizes the Global Youth Trends Forum every year. Despite the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global ideas exchange is going on. The forum has been adapted to an online discussion and will be a prelude of the next year’s event. Two webinars will be held on Nov. 13th and Nov. 27th. The theme is “Global Partnership”, which is the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 17, with a focus on “Living together in a time of pandemic and digital technology.” Youth from all over the world are invited to share their experiences about promoting disease prevention and discuss about how they can combat the pandemic together to create a better life for the new normal.

The first webinar is on Nov. 13th. The host is Audrey Tang, digital minister of Taiwan, who will share Taiwan’s pandemic prevention experience. Three leading international panelists have also been invited to share their experiences. Taiwan was the first country to resume its baseball league, and managed to control the pandemic without suspending schools after the COVID-19 outbreak. At the same time, Taiwan has supported other countries by providing face masks, developed a pandemic information platform, and promoted digital technology to prevent the spread of COVID-19. By sharing success stories, the webinar will be an opportunity for youth around the globe to think about how to collaborate to implement pandemic prevention measures during the coronavirus crisis.

The second webinar is on Nov. 27th. Representatives of global youth organizations, including European Youth Forum, World Youth Alliance and One Young World, have been invited to participate. Moreover, during the webinar the participants will together discuss and vote for the subtopics of next year’s Global Youth Trends Forum. The YDA will collect their opinions and organize them into specific issues.

This two webinars will be livestreamed on Nov. 13th 1:00-2:00pm and Nov. 27th 4:00-5:00pm Taiwan time(UTC+8). Register on the official website ( now, and you will have chance to interact with professionals from around the world. For detailed information, please follow the Global Youth Trends Forum’s Facebook page (


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